Devilous Look (and a bit of randomness)

Irene Mosaikou

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Irene Mosaikou


About the artist

Will be filled out later

About this artwok

Why not paint over an old oversized shirt? Being the first work on fabric, this one took me a WHILE. I had to sacrifice a few old school books (thankfully, they were covered, so not much damage was caused) and break my mind thinking on how exactly to make the paint work... I wanted to paint on the one sleeve a series of eyes and in the other one a bunch of leaves, but it took me so long, that I simply gave up. Maybe next time (when all that time will be paid off, hehehe) On top of that, I can't even wear it because it's too big: the size is M, but I'd say it's closer to L P.S. It also has a painted front side, but I assume I'll have to post it separately.

Technique: Modev

Dimensions: 90 x 90

Categories: Mode

Styles: Acrylique

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