Module 1: Spotting opportunities
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand and be able to boost your imagination by using specific techniques.
- To understand how to train creativity!
- To learn different tools and methods for defining problems, generating ideas, and creating value towards specific needs of people, society, and environment – locally or globally.
- To understand the importance of networking, create and maintain professional contacts.
Module 2: Valuing ideas
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the modern concepts of assessment and prediction of what value ideas could have in terms of different perspectives, like social, cultural, economic, etc.
- To apply different methods and techniques for the assessment of ideas.
- To understand the role of the assessor and be able to overcome the traps and difficulties in the process of evaluation ideas.
- To re-evaluate the importance and being able to apply own creativity, personal, and professional values towards the new ideas one would go for.
Module 3: Self-awareness & self-efficacy
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the meaning of self-awareness and self-efficacy and why they are important to develop in your personal and professional life.
- To learn how to develop the confidence and skills needed to endure times of uncertainty and not give in to the fear of the unknown.
- To reflect on your short and long-term needs and work on achieving those by implementing efficient goal-attaining efforts.
- To get familiar with the practices and tools that can help you develop yourself to become more self-aware and efficient in your every-day work life.
Module 4: Resource Mobilisation for Entrepreneurs
Learning Outcomes:
- To define resource and resource mobilisation and how it is related to entrepreneurship.
- To understand the importance of resource mobilization towards maintaining sustainability.
- To be able to develop an Action Plan for Resource Mobilization.
- To find out how entrepreneurs can map out the strategies to mobilise the resources they need and eventually generating good values towards the environment.
Module 5: Financial Literacy for Beginners
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the meaning of financial literacy and how it impacts our daily life.
- To find out about how financial institutions work and the services they offer.
- To recognise the 5 different components of financial literacy.
- To develop a strategy for setting financial goals to improve towards better financial management.
- To be aware on the importance of being financially literate individual
Module 6: Planning and Management
Learning Outcomes:
- To learn about the key elements of good management (tools, techniques).
- To find out how to create an effective action plan for your business.
- To learn how to identify and resolve all key aspects of your business.
- To enhance knowledge and skills on planning and executing.
Module 7: Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand what it means to live in uncertain times, why it is important to be aware of it, and how to deal with it the best in your professional life.
- To develop your decision-making and problem-solving skills to endure times of crisis and plan for them accordingly.
- To acquire practical knowledge on mastering uncertainty and adapting to changing environments with the best available tools and techniques from the Internet.
- To help professionals grow confidence that will prevent giving in to the fear of failure and develop themselves to counter uncertainty with agile and flexible solutions.
Module 8: Evaluating data and information
Learning Outcomes:
- To identify the definition of data literacy.
- To have a basic understanding of the levels and characteristics of data literacy.
- To outline the basics of data analysis and its role in business.
- To explain the process and skills involved in using data analysis in the business.
Module 9: Digital Marketing
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the importance of digital skills and tools for CCS professionals to promote their work.
- To take advantage of digital opportunities to gain the knowledge to apply technical skills in creating and formatting digital media content.
- To learn about the critical elements of a digital marketing strategy and how they affect corporate goals. Learn how to set targets, report effectively and track KPIs.
- To comprehend the audience's communication needs and how they interact with your brand.
Module 10: Collaboration through digital technologies
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand what collaboration is through digital tools and technologies and why/how it can be useful.
- To learn about the existing digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes.
- To choose the most appropriate digital tools and technologies for collaborative processes depending on your context and stakeholders’ needs.
- To use appropriate digital tools in an efficient manner to facilitate collaborations in complex contexts.
Module 11: Managing Digital Identity
Learning Outcomes:
- To define what a digital identity is, what it is composed of, and the different characteristics of a digital identity.
- To be able to understand internet tracking through digital identities.
- To outline distinctions of digital identity (security and reputation) and assume responsibility for actions on the web.
- To recognise your rights under GDPR law and be able to act on those rights (right of access, right of rectification, right to be forgotten).
Module 12: Developing Digital Content
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand what digital content is and the different forms that digital content can take.
- To recognise the importance and benefits of digital content creation, especially for businesses, organizations and individuals in the cultural and creative industries.
- To acquire knowledge of digital accessibility and be able to create digital content that is accessible to people regardless of ability.
- To recognise the value of using AI technologies in assisting the creation of digital content.
Module 13: Copyright and licenses
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand how to distinguish between Copyright, Open Licenses and Public Domain.
- To learn how to choose and use Creative Commons licenses.
- To learn how to reuse content released under different kinds of open licenses.
- To identify Open Licenses that fit your own content.
Module 14: Protecting personal data and privacy - GDPR
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the GDPR and its key concepts; Evolution of data protection; Definition of the processing of personal data; Whom does the GDPR apply to.
- To learn the data protection principles. The eight golden rules for the processing, the data, the security and transparency.
- To define actors' responsibilities. New accountability logic - sharing of responsibilities - Specific responsibilities of sub-contractors - Sanctions and appeals.
- To learn how to set up the DPO and compliance tools.